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How does one, "Combat"?


And so we meet again, and it turns out You need some sort of example to get you combat ready! ya'see, it's not always about running in, shield and sword it hand, ready to cut into some spooky lookin' muthafucka's with huge weapons. its about the adventure! the epic battles you can possibly create.  What I'm saying is.. Winning isn't as important as you think. Winning is simply part of the experience. you followin'? Good cause if you weren't I had no plans of going back for your ass. The goal between us should be simple, create the coolest most tingly battles we can together! make 'em cool! dramatic, exciting! Anyway, now for the actual explanation of battle mechanics.

Battles are performed relatively simply.

  • They are turn based, the goal being not to win, but to create the best looking battle! Make it Exciting! Dramatic! Epic! I'm an absolute dork when it comes to fights in Roleplays! So the coolest sounding fights always rise above the "hero always wins" category.


  • Ofcourse you'll almost always win your first real battle in the land of Luminos, but it will be hard fought; with the real risk of death crawling up your spine! Do you wish to be the blade which cuts down your enemy in honor of your pride! Or the shield that protects your allies in a stalwart defence? In the end, not everyone is coming out untouched. You Will be in danger.


  • So! With help from: "Vava's Guide to Epic Combat Based purely on her own opinion." you can make awesome fights too!

Now for the actual tutorial bit, its easy to understand.

  • Each post once battle has began is then in battle phase. The attacker, be it a friend or foe, will state their attack, how it will affect the one on defence and its flaws if it so happens to miss its target.

  • The defender has a CHOICE of being hit, depending on the attack. How they will defend against it and how they will counter attack.

The fight ends when a final blow is struck in a satisfying fashion to both partys.


  • Note: it is absolutely important you do NOT Auto-hit try your hardest to refuse such things as a whole. I get easily annoyed by these, there however will be times you will be completely allowed to do so, however I will tell you when.

  • Characters must be able to take damage, don't just dodge or defend everything because you can, everyone fucks up and makes the occasional mistake or overall is simply fighting a foe too strong for them. Have them be injured, knocked down, take a blow.  have their clothes torn or armor scratched, etc. try to make it a worthwhile battle <3

Now that explanations are out of the way, with the help of my good friend "Fluffers" here is a legitimate example fight:

For this, the two fighting characters are named "Steven" and "Charles"

Steven, wielding two smaller swords, ran forward. His steps seemed giddy. He was excited, to fight, to engage in the dance of blades that such combat entailed. The blades were curved, excellent for cutting; a fine silver sheen to their polished surface. He wore mail armor, interlinked chains made for cut and thrust protection, and one of those leather helmets from Skyrim. You know? The bad ones nobody wears.

Reaching his shielded opponent, he spun around to build up momentum, striking downwards in a diagonal line, intent on hopefully breaking his opponents defense. If he was to miss, whether by dodge or simply a misjudgement when to strike, he'd be locked into the slash, making him wide open. A parry, though difficult, would result in him being stunned.

This details the attack, how it will play out in it's entirety, what will happen if it misses, etc. now for the defending post.

Charles readied himself when the strike came thundering down and When Steven's mighty slash rained down upon Charle's shield, he immediately met it with a violent thrust forward. Shoving the weight of his steel armor, his might and his shield forward, in an attempt to deflect the blow, Stun Steven the arrogant fuck, and finish with a thrust of his sword.  a Coup De' grace of sorts.

You get the idea, then you back and forth, responding with your defences and throwing another attack right back until the battle ends in a satisfying way for both roleplayers.

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