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Learn about magic and mana crystals!

What is Mana?


Originally given the name "Aurorialis" or "Natural energy" in the old tongue;  'Mana' as it is known now can come in various shapes and forms, the most traditionally known source of raw 'Magical energy' as mana is referred to as being is most often found in small crystals which form along with the walls of caves. They aren't to be underestimated either as they are quite powerful crystals which allow one without a direct connection to the ethereal realm to wield magical abilities.


it has been confirmed that If you’re not born with the natural ability to wield magic, you cannot. Thus only few can wield magic without the use of mana crystals, the difference between a born mana user and a ordinary person who wants to wield magic is that even with the largest of crystals one can carry on them at one time, their magic could never surpass a trained wizard or mage naturally born with the ability to do so.


The crystals are however relatively easy to find as they are located all over the land, one can determine their element based on their color. Electric blue crystals however purely exist as an energy source for wizards and mages, they don’t have to use the crystals as some may cause hallucinations, sickness, etc. but the crystals give one full mana energy right away, so most mages carry only one, used in dire situations while knowing the risk it holds when consuming them. They consume the energy within them by crushing it in their hands and simply having the energy flow into their body. Simply Having a mana crystal on one’s person gives the average person a small and temporary use of spirit magic unless the crystal is elemental, the color of the crystal telling which element they may use.


  1. So for example: Red crystals allow one to wield fire,

  2. Yellow Crystals allow one to wield Storm,

  3. Dark blue crystals allow one to wield water and so on so on.


Some have come up with ways to harness the crystals energy in different ways, such as crushing the crystals into elemental dust and putting it into bullet shells to give bullets and elemental effect on impact.  


Sprinkling said dust on fine cuisine for a ...strange but rare very strong taste only some can really handle. This also gives the food some narcotic properties.

Creation of runes which can be carved into weapons giving that weapon a bit of an elemental edge compared to others. Non-natural mana users can wield these elemental weapons but the rune can only truly activate a certain amount of times, while Natural mana users such as mages, wizards, etc. can use these elemental versions of weapons without limit.

Mana crystals are used most commonly for power, using machinery created from the west which can harness the crystals energy and power lights, doors, anything you can think of. Crystals burn out fast but naturally grow and form within caves so there’s an almost unlimited supply throughout the world.  With the discovery of a very large luminescent green mana crystal beneath the eastern kingdoms surface however, the sages of the easts crown city velka have discovered mana crystals have a direct connection to the ethereal realm. While touching smaller crystals commonly found throughout the world have no impact on one’s health or any effect at all other then giving them use of magic. Touching this larger crystal allows one’s mind to open and view their past memories while their hands are in contact with the crystals surface.  Where the crystal came from compared to the others or why it grows specifically there is unknown, as well as any idea of why it’s color is so different and unique compared to any other.  there is rumor there exists elemental versions of this particular crystal but that’s purely speculation.

Furthermore, the larger crystals that can be carried with you to allow you to cast the lower level spells a lot more before the crystal itself breaks apart. They have been banned from cities to not let citizens cause unwarranted and unwanted destruction. So they restrict them to outside the grand cities. Not wanting an argument to turn into a full scale battle that would cost tons of man hours to repair. Thus it’s agreed to never carry them into the kingdoms.

The crystals themselves are only stable when used alone. Too many in one place is spelling danger. Like nitroglycerin they can react very easily and destruct. More than likely you won't ever see anyone using the rock in its impure form. They would be crafted into wands for the common use. The electric blue crystals that are brimming with Mana, if too many are in contact and they become too agitated. Usually they are kept in separate containers to help disperse the volatile reactions, but even they have a small limit. Should they be abused or overused adverse reactions can happen and may permanently harm the body. Many would be “All mighty Wizards” tried only to suffer from mana poisoning.

Magic 101: The basics to blow stuff up.

Magic in the world of Luminos is inherent to everyone. But, not everyone can harness its power to conjure fire or summon undead. Magic goes by many different names, Ninjutsu, Cosmo, Fighting Techniques, Warrior's spirit, Majik. But it all draws from the same place and just used and taught to be harnessed differently.

Within the world there are eight key elements and associated with these elements are the people who use them and where they MIGHT come from in a personality standpoint. By no means is it confirmed that any of the people who wield these key elements are anything like the description, this is just the common belief. Remember that no element can determine who you are at the end of the day; a wicked person may just as well wield light as a good person may wield dark, elemental affinity does not define you.

  1. Fire - Their passion burns hot and they recklessly charge forward with good intentions. If left unchecked it can burn down the world but managed properly and it can be honed into unimaginable strength.

  2. Water - They can empty their mind. They are formless, shapeless like water. You put them in a role they fill the role, you give them a job they do the job. They can flow or they can crash. They are the most adaptable

  3. Earth - They are stubborn like a mountain. Resolute in their purpose, they may move slow but when they do its with purpose. Each action makes an impact that is felt.

  4. Wind - Careless in nature they mind wanders as does the wind, ever moving through the skies without a care in the world. People who harness the power of wind are often free spirited and can never be tied down for very long. They seem to change their mind on a whim and can go from being a gentle person to a turbulent violent one.

  5. Lightning - Those who wield lightning as their magical attunement are often arrogant in nature, quick on their feet and cocky. Fueled with confidence. Lightning users often attempt to combine their element into armor or weapons to give them a elemental glow which makes them look above the rest. Though if it actually does anything for them in combat.. Is a bit of a mystery.

  6. Holy - Those attuned with holy are born pure of heart and can only ever harness holy magic with that same purity intact, Kind, gentle and caring with a strong sense of justice for the weak and defenceless. Those who wield holy often become paladins to protect the innocent with their vast knowledge of healing magic.

  7. Dark - Those who are born naturally attuned to dark magic are wicked in nature, evil and bitter.  They are stubborn, selfish and vile. Often doing foul acts to support their own need. Though there at the exception of some who can wield dark magic without truly being of evil nature, this is the personality most possess.

  8. Spirit - Humble, calm and always containing a straight head. Those who wield spirit as their main magical attunement are brave and confident. Doing what should be done when it should be and not wasting a moment. Spending most of their days in intense meditation, spirit users are often quiet but powerful, containing no element in their magic. It’s simply, controlled mana.


Like in nature each element work better against a certain pairing during certain conditions. The only exception is Holy and Dark are not affected by these. They counter each other and stay outside the Wheel. Spirit is another special case because it's pure raw magic. Instead of creating a wall of fire it would just be a wall of mana. however, spirit magic is often used by monks with extreme focus during their castings of it, which eliminates it's effective use in battle unless one can remain completely focused without imperfection during combat; Which is obviously impossible.


Every formally trained Wizard can start off learning Force as it's the easiest to manipulate and be used. Then they ascend to the rank of Magician and are able to master two elements to a higher degree. They can continue to further hone the skills and reach wizard status, allowing them to wield more of the elements or any of the new created elements they have mastered in their journey.


On the reverse side we have Focused Practitioners or Mancers. By having family so attuned to specific use of magic they can do things no normal magician could ever dream. Families have dedicated study to this art until it has become their own. Thus, while not being able to achieve the variety of things that Magicians can do they can use their finely tuned magic to do things unavailable to Magicians.

        Example : You can have a magician make a golem out of lava if he studied both Fire and Earth. It would be a simplistic golem that could be an act on the will of the caster. However, a lavaremancer could create a more detailed refined creature. Could shape it into a knight or a standard thug.

    Whilst the magician could overcome the mancer in terms of utility they could never win in a standard fire fight. It’s like using a handgun to shoot long distance versus a sniper rifle. The both can do the same but it’s used in different situations.




How does one Magic?

Magic is like a muscle that certain people have. The more you use it the more it gets stronger and allows you to perform greater feats. Everyone knows their own limits and if they go over then like most muscles when overworked. It will cause harmful side effects on your body, preventing you from using magic for a while to breaking down your body to help power the spell, art, technique you’re trying to cast. There are some people who have trained their body to be able to hold vasts reverses of magic but just can’t output huge spells. While others can do huge attacks but maybe thrice before they are out. Everybody is built differently and can do different things, not everybody can feel the mana around and even use it. There has not be anyway yet to measure your reserves or even have a feel for magical output. Since some casters can be more proficient in charming, cursing, or other ways of it’s use.


    Just because there are 8 elements doesn’t limit it to just those. The limit of magic is in the mind of the caster themselves. Using any of the two elements they can mix and match them to create something new. Some examples listened below. The only exceptions to this are holy, dark and Force.. Only one instance of Holy and Dark ever being mixed have been recorded, when Lady Amelia Valentine, one of the legendary 5 awakened it and used the power to revive her comrades which had fallen in battle. Thus granting her the title of being the only one to Use Divine magic. The only other instance of Dark being mixed with anything is with The Forgotten King Gravireis with his dying breath forced the two elements to make Gravity and saved the kingdom of Aviernun.

  • Earth and Water can be used together to create Mud.

  • Wind and Water - can be used to create Ice, snow or mist. Earth and Fire - To create Lava and use it’s awesome destructive power.

  • Lightning and Earth - Magnetism allowing them to make things attract to each other or repulse.

  • Fire and Lightning - To create Neon Light or in simplistic terms superheated gas.  

Not all elements can create new elements but they can make useful combinations. Such as Lightning and Water can be fused together to make a devastating more fluid attack. Or if you get creative or read this you can make steam from the heat of power. Thus with more studying, you can derive fire from steam and gain access to a new element to work with and expand your repertoire. While you can use wind to power fire and create a Wildfire Tsunami.

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