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Welcome to Uncle Frey's "Adventurer's Guide to Luminos!" Where all you need to know about Luminos is found in one place! From Horrible flesh eating monsters to Peaceful and Adorable Nekos, All the info can be found here.




So you want to be an Adventurer? No. The answer is no. You do not. Why? Because you will die. Horrible deaths. You may be eaten, dismembered, swallowed, maimed, Burned, enslaved, enthralled and all these other words I can’t even understand. But, if you feel ready with your sword and shield that you managed to barely buy from the local smith. Then bend over and kiss your ass goodbye, Look; the real world ain’t slaying twenty rats or dicking around and grabbing medical herbs out of some assholes garden. That’s cute, the real world out there however? It’s full of a ton of things that have evolved specifically to kill you as painfully and quickly as physically possible And the ones who haven’t have been artificially magically made are forced to mutate into even deadlier abominations. There are many people who have gone out to try and make a name for themselves or to become a king. Only to end up dead somewhere surrounded by no familiar  faces or food for a creature. This isn’t a guide for you to make a name, to become famous. But for you to be scared, for you to drop that shitty sword and weak shield and run. Get married, have a kid and be a farmer. Have a long life and enjoy the family. If you bought this book, you are only learning the many ways in which you can die. You right now only serve as rewards for the adventurer slightly luckier than you to find your body and take your stuff. This isn’t by any means a complete guide, this is whatever I can think to add and the others who have taken up the mantle to add to this. So .. if you were thinking this might help you or that having this means your prepared? You are wrong, if I had the talent to magically enchant this book to punch you. It would have, to death by now, ten times...Eleven.  But this is a work in progress if you so happen to live long enough to learn something; add to it. Add important things to help those foolish enough to buy this in and attempt to live a few seconds longer. Nothing is certain about the creatures, even if somethings are written down they may not always work for every single one. oh, And remember. if it bleeds, keep stabbing it.

For now, let's start simple.

  • Elves - One of the oldest wisest race to grace the land of Luminos. With their long life and mystical ways, this meant reaching higher limits of physical prowess and having deeper ties to magic. This has led them to create intricate works of art, music and fighting styles weaving magic and their flawless skills as one. Their kingdoms once ruled the entire land but when the Humans saw and took notice. They were then persecuted, the elves in their great wisdom and knowledge were slow to anger. To them a human even at the age of eighty was nothing more than child. They were candles in the wind and the elves shouldn't pay attention. However, the humans are a envious and masters of destroying. So in what should have been a quick war turned into a long bloody war. That ended with the Arrogant race being driven to the point of extinction. They now reside in the countryside away from humans and never too grouped up.

  • Dwarves - Like any story about the fabled race. They Dug too deep. Their curiosity and hate for the sky led them to dig and burrow. However, in their arrogance for being rulers of the earth. They unleashed something that no historians have or could documented, neither human nor elven. No one knows what happened but they all just vanished, every dwarf disappeared. The evidence of this is some creations were in the process of being built and explorers and engineers have tried to keep them working and operational but no one could match the dwarves. The world is littered with their ruins and homes, their inventions fetching high prices. Whether to be used or to be studied. However, it seems that only those who were underground disappeared as the legendary hero Hakkvir Black continued to fight on. Whatever it was that they unleashed or happened to them, many races used to fear it. But with it never seeming to breach the surface Luminians just forgot.

  • Nekos -  The Nekos came to be from regular cats being exposed to immense magic from Elven rule and human war. It slowly changed them and made them more humanoid in appearance. Though mostly Extinct Half-Human/Elf Half-feline creatures have existed in the lands of Luminos. They were many different species of nekos though now most of them rare besides the more common house cat .Mainly sticking to the forests similar to that of the elves. However, due to the racist nature of man to that which they do not understand, they have been mostly killed off, with some remaining in the world either wandering the lands alone or in a group. Neko’s will always be a curious race to explain, some born with the ability to channel magic and others born without this ability. Due to their enhanced night-vision, agility and ability to learn very quickly, Neko’s can become a deadly force in the world of Luminos if one is trained as an assassin.

  • Dragons - The Ruler of the skies and the land. They reign supreme as king wherever they choose to make their home. They don't necessarily hoard treasure but the fallen equipment from adventurers trying to slay them does add up. However, during the Great War between the Elves and Humans. Most were slain and they became more rare. This led to the Wyverns to become a bit greater in number. The difference between the two being that Dragons have four legs and Wyverns have only two. They are often confused at distance. They are sentient are often live to be many centuries old. Some choose to stop thinking and just be a creature of instinct especially those that fail the ceremony. So while meeting a dragon can be a momentous occasion for you. To them? It's another chance to eat easy prey. Rumor even has it, Some dragons may very well speak.. Though it has never been recorded that such an event where one has spoken to a dragon has ever occurred.

  • The Draconic - Were once humans and elves. They used powerful and risky magic to try and enhance their bodies. Their goal was to create the perfect Wizard. Someone who could cast devastating spells and still fight up close and personal. However, for wanting to mess with nature they had no idea how powerful the magic was. They succeeded in creating a hybrid of Dragon, Human and Elves. Thus sprung forth the start of a new race. Before reaching the age of eighteen they live with more humanistic and elvish features. Upon reaching eighteen they undergo a metamorphosis that brings forth their draconic features. According to legend they must undergo a special trial and are allowed to choose to become a full born dragon or return to that of a human or elf. If they become a dragon they retain some sentience and go on their way. Choosing to return to their much more normal body, they are granted many boons that put them above their respective races. Allowing them access to special breath type magic and able to summon forth their dragon scales to protect them. Their nails become as sharp as the finest daggers allowing them slash as well as hit. The eleven ones are able to bring forth their wings for flight whilst the humans have been bestowed the right to call for the Dragon God.

  • Aviernus-  They're an ancient people, they might seem incredibly advanced and powerful to kingdoms that were around at the time. But, being trapped on a floating island for generations doesn't lead to a lot of modern advancement, anyone coming across them in the present era, they would seem incredibly primitive, in stark contrast to the legends and stories of 'a majestic, spanning Kingdom of wise and powerful mages' So while primitive and very set back, Their technology is refined and perfected to a quality never seen ever before. You could say that a lack of resources, a massive plot of land still filled with dangerous creatures, and their complete isolation and intense frustration at an inability to return to the land below would lead to some interesting cultural divergences. A large sect of them completely deny the 'vile, unnatural powers' that trapped them there in the first place, creating a clan of warriors and hunters who focus entirely on their martial and physical abilities and their tangible weapons. While another group would want to spend as much of their time as possible studying and perfecting and trying to understand the magic that lifted them up there in the hopes of bringing themselves back down. In the present era, many of them probably see the 'below world' as a myth, a story. And so those mages have lost their goal of ever lowering the land, and simply keep studying because their ancestors studied. They have powerful gravity magic, but with a different understanding. They believe their magic comes from the tethers holding their kingdom in the sky, rather than the truth of the reverse. Then many 'everyday'  people fall in between. They utilize the magic to make their lives easier, while also relying heavily on their few technological innovations to give them a reason to extend that magic. And then being in such close proximity to a massive pool of constant ever-flowing gravity magic, for generation after generation after generation, mixed with magical innovations by the mage caste and technological innovations by the warrior caste, gives them a technique for making armor and weaponry that allows them to glide, float, or fly in limited capacities. Their physiology is adapted to be more avian. Their bones are less dense, particularly among the mages, making them fairly light overall. Their hair might be less like individual strands, and more like broad leaves, similar to a bird's feathers. They naturally lie back, looking like a humans hair at first glance.

Giant Spiders - They are what happens when your kid keeps a spider and feeds it. Not much to say but MAN those are some eight legged freaks. Like if you want to me explain this anymore then I need to, Go fuck yourself.

List of notable Abilities:

  1. Spider Cling - The spider can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings.

  2. Sunlight Sensitivity - While in sunlight, the spider can’t see too well. Often just lashing out in where it got hurt.

  3. Web Walker - The spider ignores movement restrictions caused by webbing.

  4. Web Slinger - Unlike its smaller counterpart, this version can spew webs much faster. They are also strong enough to resist steel a bit.

  5. Bite - It bites you. But it’s mouth is dripping with poison and fangs honed to pierce through metal and flesh. Don’t Get bit. No Spider powers.

  6. Multi-Attack - Because of it’s multiple legs, it can attack multiple times. They can pierce and knock away. Don’t ever fight in it’s nest or cave. Or do if you want to die.

Chimera - These nasty fucks. If you see one, you better hope you got a massive pair of bal-.. ego.  Anyhow, a chimera combines the worst aspects of its three parts. There are a few variations and no one knows how they came to be but the most viscous is the one I’ll explain. Its dragon head drives it to raid, plunder, and accumulate a great hoard. The Lion nature compels it to hunt and kill powerful creatures that threaten its territory. Its goat head grants it a vicious, stubborn streak that compels it to fight to the death. These three aspects drive a chimera to stake out a territory that is as large as 10 miles wide.Nasty little fucks, hard to settle a town if one shows up. It preys on wild game, viewing more powerful creatures as rivals to be humiliated and defeated. Its greatest rivals are dragons, griffons, manticores, and wyverns. When it hunts, the chimera looks for easy ways to amuse itself. It enjoys the fear and suffering of weaker creatures. The monster often toys with its prey, breaking off an attack prematurely and leaving a creature wounded and terrified before returning to finish it off. It’s a sadistic fuck, okay? You’re never safe. It never gives up, It never surrenders.


List of Notable Abilities


  • Ungodly fast - Chimera’s are big, bulky, and can be a real nuisance to deal with even with a massive trained group of professional hunters and huntresses at your side, but my oh my are these bastards fast. Before you know it, you could be skewered on one of the goats horns while the lion bites off your legs. So, keep your reaction time high.


  • Multi Attack - It can bite, ram you with it’s horns and even swipe at you with it’s vicious claws. These fucks like to make you hurt. On top of that, the claws are even tipped with poison, Well, hope you brought your antidote...wait, it’s ambushed you? Oh.. i’ll find you a tombstone then.


  • Magical Breath - The Serpents head can breathe poisonous fumes and give death and disease to everything in it’s path. While the Lion’s roar causes shockwaves of sound to knock back foes, intimidate and deafen those who are caught unaware. The Goats loud cries cause silence on nearby mages, causing their magic to be temporarily cut off.  Trust me. Even the most seasoned vet quakes at one’s roar.

Griffons - Oh man. Stop right now. I know what you’re doing. NO. You will not try to tame these guys. Griffons are ferocious flying meat eaters with the muscular bodies of lions and the head, forelegs, and wings of eagles. When they attack, griffons are as swift and deadly as eagles, even as they strike with a ferocious lion's might and grace. Now before you think you are some hot shot. These guys eat horses and anything with tons of meat on it. You will go broke before you can probably tame it.


    List of potential abilities


  • Flight - Well… This is obvious. Giant wings. If it takes flight… Welp. Just hope it lands or you have means of hitting it. Alternatively. If your aim is correct, it only takes one well placed arrow to bring it down. You may also hire a hunter focused on captivity. Specifically a conjurer of chains.

  • Eagle Eye - It can see you before you even know it’s there. If there are wild horses nearby. Just assume it’s seen you.

more to be added.

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