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 The Siren's of Knothwall 

A religious defence group formed during the defence of the city knothwall both from a tyrannical king and a demon horde at their doorstep during the great war. The Sirens were known as heroes in their time; Slaying the tyrannical king and replacing him with one of their own, a lookalike who would instead rule Knothwall into grace, though only a year later they would be stuck as hordes of demon and undead swarmed their small kingdom from the surrounding oceans. they called and begged for help from the mainland voltaria in their time of need.  But not a single Voltarian soldier came to their aid, and it was Knothwall that fell first during the war, their kingdom used as a headquarters for the demonic hordes. Eventually, though, once the kingdom was fallen, and it was upon their city’s stained soil that the final battle between the now old heroes and the demon lord himself took place. 

In modern time, the Sirens have been revived and repurposed by a mysterious woman known only as: "The Mother" serving as an organization of assassins who hunt and kill those who they are paid, though they accept not only Badgers (the commonly accepted currency throughout the realms.



 The Siren's new found reputation precedes them and will bring them up into history's greatest evils, as they have become a great force to be reckoned with; each siren individually wielding their own personal version of mastered abyssinal magic, magic so wicked and strong it was thought impossible to wield by any ordinary humanoid.




The Sirens wear coats and beaked masks, mimicking the visage of their great Mother, though there is a reason for this beyond that. Now, since the demon infestation of their islands, the very ground is tainted, surely necessitating the mask’s support in their continued existence..  As it's currently known;


As it's currently known, The Sirens of Knothwall have a firm class system in their faction. This is to keep order a strict hierarchy of purpose in their ranks to prevent them from straying from the Mother’s goal, whatever they might be. As such, when someone is inducted into their ranks, they get evaluated for what they might be fit to be, and from there on out get taught through grueling physical and emotional trials how to serve their purpose.


The very last ritual a person goes through before being inducted into the ranks of the Sirens is them being chemically and physically neutered by the Biologians. While this might stem the continued existence of the organisation from an internal source, it does keep the Sirens pure of purpose and unable to, it is explained, to be distracted by worldly means. As such, the neutering is the Siren’s way of removing the last vestiges of individually beyond the purpose to serve the Mother and the organisation’s goals. Worth noting is that this also prevents any want or need for people to engage in physical acts that might distract during their training.


The Mother - A figure shrouded in mystery to everyone excluding the very top echelons of the Siren’s organisation, no outsider knows who they are, where they came from or their motivations. However, some people who has glanced upon her visage speculate that she suffers from some illness, owing to the beaked mask, used historically to store herbs to ease breathing and help preventing diseases.  




The Giant - A brute, unmistakably human in form, though with at least the mental capabilities for sincere dialogue and debate. Though often silent, he serves as The Mother’s right hand man, using brute strength and powerful sorcery to support his mistress.  Remarked as: "Indestructible" The Giant is a true force to be reckon with, Wielding a massive great mace on his back.




Siren Enforcer - Consisting of several sub-ranks, the enforcers make up the bulk of the Siren forces. While lesser Enforcers are equipped with little more than stolen magitek guns and fancy swords, (though still a force to be reckoned with), they pale in comparison to the most elite of Enforcers - a small few equipped with a full gear of stolen and repurposed Western Grandis weapon, most notably the "Destroyer Mana Cannon", a model of mana cannon capable of blowing a large hole in the chest of a human with ease. Each Enforcer is allowed to keep any items they find or acquire during their assignments, as long as it may aid their battle efficiency. 




Siren Hunter/Huntress - The most direct assassin soldiers in the Siren forces, they utilize twin blades, a heavily shrouded coat, as well as nasty poisons and dark sorcery, they are rarely seen masters of stealth that only will be known to have appeared at all once they've already left; their telltale blades leave their victims shredded, Their speed is unmatched and very few have lived to tell the tale of ever surviving and encounter with one of these servants of death.




Siren Demolitionist - Specialized in explosives, they carry a large variety of grenades, explosive materials as well as a now infamous and very esoteric weapon: The Shock Flail. Outfitted with a hollow spiked ball at the end, chaotic abyssal energies. As the spiked flail hits a surface, a small explosion is emitted by it, creating a small explosion effect localized where it hit. The force of this explosion is enough to shatter steel and vaporize a person. The most elite of the demolitionists can use their knowledge of their weapon and the abyssal energies to direct explosions, using this remarkable melee weapon at range.




Siren Medic - The Siren battlefield medics all carry with them a syringe of the nastiest of demonic poisons now found in Knothwall, however they are primarily focused on providing the enforcers, hunters, demolitionists and mercenaries medical support. 


Siren Biologian - If the medic is a healer, the biologian’s a demon incarnate. Using thin pouches filled with deadly herbs, syringes, glass orbs filled with poisonous gas, as well as other demonic tools, they rain down death upon enemies while still providing support to medics. They’re some of the most feared units. 




Siren Transporter -  Really standout from the rest of the Siren Forces, they use specially marked robes and masks to designate them, to let the abyssal sorcery flow through their body with further ease. Often far behind in the ranks, the user powerful magic to support their forces, but their primary concern is their own safety; for they are the only method of safe travel to Knothwall. Using archaic magic, they are able to pull forces through space in an act of teleportation. You can travel to Knothwall without this method, but that require crossing poisonous waters and the ability to survive the massive miasma of demonic energies that surround the isles.




Siren Necromancer - Though not true necromancy, they instead bend the taint that runs through their very nation to manifest necromantic magic. Using a Staff enchanted to attract the remnant energies of the souls of the dead, they use foul magics to cripple enemies and to empower their allies. If someone were to come close, they use powerful sorceries channeled through a dagger to kill harm their allies  

, they use powerful sorceries channeled through a dagger to kill harm their allies  



Siren Mimic -  The puppeteers of the Sirens; the Siren Mimic’s are the most politically dangerous of the entire clan, possessing the ability to completely morph their body and voice to match that of anyone they see given they get the right materials beforehand using dark magic, Siren Mimic’s are very rare but can change the entire tide of a large scale war by killing and replacing a high ranking officer or general. However, their best use is to replace high power targets such as kings or jarls. These mimic’s are 95% identical to the target they replace in visage and voice, however their often found out when asked personal questions relating to the target. However, to suspect a mimic is difficult, as they perfectly study the target prior to taking their image, often watching them interact with their families and close friends and assistants for weeks, months, or even YEARS before replacing them.  

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