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Hoi! welcome to the rule's page, plan on playing nice? then you're in the right place!

For rule's I don't have very high expectations. i just want you to know we are roleplaying

So, Do not fall for me. if you do, well.. to be it blunt, i won't fall for you.


Well, time for the actual rules then huh? Let's go!

Rule One "ERP & CYBERING" : Do not Expect to Erp with me or for me to just randomly do so, Sex or Teasing between characters should be Worked up to! Romance is something that should have a build up, so. If Rose or Midoka don't love the person, Expect a punch or worse; I simply won't reply.

Rule Two "COMBAT" : My roleplays are heavily Fantasy/Combat Focused. Therefore i expect to be able to hit your character with my character being able to be hit too, So.. in Short: No God-modding, Auto-hit, Etc. For smoother and enjoyable combat sections, State your attack, what it will do, how it will affect my character, what would happen if it misses, etc. be creative! have fun with it, for examples on this: Click, this button! Right here! ...This one!....Why are you still reading? click the damn button! --->

Rule Three "GENRE OF ROLEPLAY"  :  I will only, ever. do Fantasy/Action/Romance Roleplays, usually pre-determined to take place in MY world, unless you have a quest and plot for a different one. I hate randomly bouncing about in rp trying to figure out what to do next. [Also, those three genres listed are listed as a mixture, so basically fantasy with a bit of action and romance only. however, I love using little cute anime element's like Tsundere personalities and the such. ]  So that means that I won't be doing Modern, School, Sci-fi, Space, Specific Anime and Video Game Genre Roleplay either, Though I am willing to accept some Roleplays with certain characters; such as  One specific green Tunic wearing Hero  and one adorably cute Pinked headed mage~  However, Not always will i be so eager.

Rule Four "FACE CLAIMS" Do not pester me about who I've face claimed, but do tell me which music you recognize! Face claims are all over the place in which you can take one character from your favourite anime and give em' a new name and flip their abilities all around to make them your own!  if you recognize anyone from an anime you watched, tell me in a way that isn't: "Oh it's that hoe from that one place i cant do this" Because through my eyes they are different people entirely!  however; if you notice or remember some music from a game you hear on a character's page, do tell me! I want to know!

Rule Five "MOST IMPORTANT" : My roleplays follow a specific plot with quest lines and character development; overtime, our characters will change, adapt and better get to know one another, you'd be surprised to find some of my darker themed characters can brighten up and even be kind of.. Cute. There are hard choices, death, blood and even some pretty grossly detailed gore at some points, but all in all please be sure to try and Have fun and enjoy the Roleplay! imagine everything we type together to the best of your ability! come on, you're human you were a kid before I know that imagination is in there somewhere! Remember, we are writing a Story together. Not a tedious dragged out Roleplay.

That's it! if you read this, all of this.. Send me the Code Word: "Cookie Dough"  And i'll letcha know my name as a thank you~ if I do forget! which I inevitably will, be sure to hit me a few times!







Rule Four "Faceclaims" Do not pester me about who i've faceclaimed, but do tell me which music you recognize! Faceclaims are all over the place in which you can take one character from your favourite anime and give em a new name and flip their abilties all around to make them your own!  if you recognize anyone from an anime you watched, tell me in a way that isnt: "Oh it's that hoe from that one place i cant do this" Because through my eyes they are different people entirely!  however; if you notice or remember some music from a game you hear on a character's page, do tell me! i want to know!

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