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 Lily Buenamore  

The Vampire

Her Main Theme

Her Battle Theme

Both Songs are "Moon River"

the battle theme is the bayonetta 2 remix

the first is a violin and piano instrumental <3


Her History

Seventeen year old Lily Buenamore comes from a powerful Vampiric family located in the Gothic Castles of a distant kingdom in a land known only as the "Far Islands" within this strange kingdom a twisted event was held every few years where the strongest of every vampiric clan in the kingdom would compete in and all out last man standing death match once they reach the age of 20, the survivor of said event would be crowned "Koff's Chosen" once the vampire is crowned they have full control and authority over the other clans. making them a sort of makeshift King or Queen.  The being "Koff"  is depicted as the god of blood and sacrifice in the far islands, often portrayed to possess a dragons head and a goats body, prayed too by all vampires, except lily.. Who believes in no gods but those worshiped by the humans. her, reasoning is however her own. Myths tell of men and women chosen by the god Koff to possess power beyond that of great daemons. now; Normally, the event would last days, and even weeks. but in recent history; The event wouldn't last nearly as long. Lily's father: "Grigori Buenamore" has been crowned Koff's Chosen a large number of times, due to the extreme power that he possesses in comparison to the other leaders of the vampiric clans, however; this fact angers the small vampire and she is hell bent on one day defeating her father at his own game and being crowned Koff's chosen herself. Not for the responsibility of managing all clans and their uses for the greater good, but for the selfish power and political influence that would be gained in the far islands.  Lily is often referred to as: "The Wannabe Queen" or "The Shadow" due to her strange and unique set of abilities and arrogant personality.  She is NOW Twenty two, however; still she does not enter the Tournament of nightmares that is the ritual for becoming Koff's chosen.. Because underneath all her arrogance, still; she is afraid to contend due to fear of death via her own fathers hand she simply lacks the necessary power required to even contend.

 Literally all of this is subject to change. 
- Her Appearance -

Lily is portrayed as standing at only 4'11 with silver-white hair and pink eyes, the latter of which are purposefully shown to have narrow, slit pupils. She wears a dark blue headband with black lace trimming. Each side of the headband ends with a black bow; the headband also sports a rosette on top (this rosette's color tends to change often; usually it is shown as dark wine red, although it can have dark or light purple hues, or even peach pink.) A dark blue neck ribbon is tied around her neck, and her dress is white and dark blue. It has a matching rosette brooch just like the one on the headband. The top part of the dress also has black lace trimming and features white ruffles and trimming. The sleeves of the dress are puffy on each of the shoulders, while on the arms they fit the first half - the lower arms feature three-layered white ruffles. The skirt is white with ruffles trimming, layered with dark blue diamond-shaped pieces. The two front layers feature white inverted crosses. Between these two layers is a criss-crossed ribbon. She also wears a pair of dark blue boots with matching rosettes like those on the headband. Lily's style is very gothic, and is much darker than the other more Noble Vampire's outfits.









- Her Personality -

Lily's characteristics appear to be sadistic, spiteful and arrogant; with a strong ambition to become the best and stronger then all others, however; she is shown to become soft hearted in dire situations when the few friends she has are in dangerous situations or her pride is threatened. Therefore categorizing her as a "Tsundere"

- Her Weapons and Abilities -

Lily possesses unique, but small black wings that can change shape and sizes, and with her arrow-like feathers, she can conjure up a shield, a large sword, or even twin black dragon heads. Lily can also create destructive blue flames as a last resort in battle. Lily's varied abilities, particularly when combined with her savagely cunning nature, make her one of the strongest vampires within the far islands.


So I don't know if you'll ever see this, Sis. but I brought her back! your character from way before, and I hope you're proud. because I've no idea where you've gone and I miss you ^^; But I won't forget all you've taught me.

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