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SUBJECT NAME:  [ S t a t I c ]

All Analysis Data recovered! PLAYING most recent data!
Record last edited by [ s t a t I c  ]
Doctor [ S t a t I c ]:
January 5th 12:00 AM
 "Finally, some time to think, let me see.. we found it in the center of an abandoned village just on the outskirts of the southern cross, SUBJECT SIX or as they were originally named: [STATIC] was found unconscious with major wounds inflicted by unknown means, the wounds were deep and the recovery was difficult, but through the wonders of science were we able to bring SUBJECT SIX to a full recovery; it was only after week one after bringing SUBJECT SIX to the main lab situated in [STATIC] that we started experiencing the workings of their particularly strange set of abilities, the lights flickered on and off and occasionally the power would even completely shut down; Thank the gods for back up generators. soon, we will begin testing once we get SUBJECT SIX into a more capable containment chamber."


February 5th 1:32 AM
"it's been exactly a month since my last recording, it appears SUBJECT SIX is highly capable of eliminating any electronics in a certain area of effect, similar to that of and Electromagnetic Pulse or a E.M.P. for short, though the exact range is uncertain, it appears this same ability is effective towards our recording equipment as well, any records of video data has been stripped away or utterly disrupted almost manually by the abilities of SUBJECT SIX alone; any audio files of SUBJECT SIX communicating has too been deleted, though, oddly and very fortunately this recorder seems to be unaffected. it appears we are at a standstill in having made any real progress to what exactly SUBJECT SIX is though I do have and idea.. no it's too risky.

The Subject appears to only feed on raw or cooked flesh exclusively, it will not eat any vegetables or fruit. nothing else seems to curb it's desire to feast either; its almost as if the subject is entirely bottomless in the abdominal region, eating for hours on end and not gaining or changing in weight whatsoever and still feasting for more. we have discovered that SUBJECT SIX is in fact Cannibalistic, and will feed on humans when they are placed in the chamber with SUBJECT SIX alone. The prey placed in the chamber is rendered immobile via destruction of the bones and damage to the joints caused via Telekinetic abilities. it appears through some testing, SUBJECT SIX is capable of lifting up to 5 times their body weight using their mind alone."


March 5th 8:45 PM
 "however; what we do know is that it is human to some extent. to state our progress in the C.O.R.E. Project; We are close. VERY close. in fact, I highly believe it only a few more days and soon we will have everything we need to achieve our goals. as it goes, SUBJECT SIX is currently in the recovery chamber after our recent tests, we must tame this ancient power SUBJECT SIX contains if we are to conquer the enemy effectively.. Just a few more days.."
March 10th 1:30 AM
i fear the worst. if SUBJECT SIX will not cooperate willingly then we will all die, yes! i must FORCE IT! i'm done playing by the rules; give up on me if you will, but i will not allow my research to go to waste, i'm entering the chamber.. I will return with audio data of communication.

March 10th 2:30 AM
"what's that noise?"  * a loud, echoing boom would sound throughout the chamber. *


"H-hello? It's gone dark, the lights have all blown out and it.. it seems as if I'm trapped! Can anybody hear me!?..  "


"Hello!? .."  * The sound of a child giggling*

  "oh, it's just you; Number six, do you not remember? it's me! Doctor [s t a t I c]  we are friends right? come, let's leave this place together.. it's cold! and i bet you are hungry" 

"oh doctor.. won't you play with me..?"

"What? what are you doing? Stay back!"

"B A D  D O C T O R "

*The sounds of the mans limbs being torn from his body, flesh and bone cracking and twisting in a disgusting manner*

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