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The Four kingdoms
So, you want to learn about the four kingdoms then? well, strap yourself in! because you're in for a very, very; short ride! in fact, this ride is so short you might as well go back and ask for a refund on your ticket! ..I'm serious; it was really expensive.

Anyway, Let's start with the first and most important of the four!

 The Northern Rose 


Crown city: Kaness























The Northern Rose is where the main role-play will mostly take place, it's reach goes far, from the high northern mountains which watch over the crown city to the very edges of every other kingdoms borders, some would even say it's outright unfair that the kingdom is so large in comparison to the others. however, due to it's rich supply of mountains filled with lots of very valuable materials, the north is considered the "main kingdom" to new travelers of The island of Luminos.  it's where most people spend their time, and gold. so as such, it makes the most profit and is in charge of all the rare and valuable oddities from the far away lands over sea.

However, even with the north being the most noble and culture focused of the other three kingdoms even ruling with a monarchy unlike the other three, there is always odd things in between.  The people are constantly at a state of civil war between various clans, racial difference being the main reason some of these small wars are even started. Nekos hate Kitsunes, Humans hate Elves, Orcs hate humans, The list goes on.

The Northern Rose is Ruled over by none other then:

Fulfnir Briarhardt: The Greatest of the Legendary 5 heroes, the one who supposedly struck down the demon lord himself.

And his daughter,

Rosaria Alexandria Valentine:  Often referred to as: "The Angel of the North" for her extraordinary healing ability and strange celestial like aura that seems to constantly glow around her body, her kindness and love for her people are what keeps the north from falling apart, and united under one banner when the time is called for it to be done, without it's princess the north will surely fall.

Benefits of The Rose

Every kingdom has it's benefits and use, even if the north is the most important of the four it cannot survive without benefits from the west, east and south.

So, a system was formed.  The Northern Rose is in charge of using it's ore rich mountains to supply the other kingdoms with the crafting materials and resources they desire. it's also said northern wood harvested from trees is also tougher then any found wooden material in the other three kingdoms.

Even with all it's fancy ore, the north however is the LEAST technologically advanced kingdom. living in and age similar to that of the dark ages in appearance, the northern rose hosts carriages instead of automobiles, Knights with swords and shields enchanted with magic along with archers and mages. rather then soldiers with Magic Firearms or War Machines, like tanks or other military focused creations.

the reasoning for their lack of offensive and defensive military technology is due to the passive nature of the kingdoms princess, she will refuse any papers to add new Military weaponry to the barracks and soldiers. the only reason knights remain is because her father; the king insists, but has made a promise to never take it beyond that point.

However, aside from military Tech, the northern rose is stocked with most modern day devices like cellphones and computers! televisions and all sorts of tech focused on making civilians lives easier, however.. due to the pollution in the air that gasoline fueled automobiles create when in use, once more the north relies on carriages and horseback for travel.

Random Facts:

- The Currency in the northern rose is known as "badgers" Due to a small outburst of a young princess demanding it as such.

- The First 3 Arcs of the entire Roleplay take place in the Northern Rose.

- The Northern Rose is the most Religious of The Four Kingdoms, hosting a whopping few hundred cathedrals all along it's reach, all who pray to a mysterious godly being known only as: "The Maker" And the divine goddess known as "Ember"  However; there exists many shrines to various other Gods and Demigods worshipped in different religions.

- The Northern Rose's power and electricity run completely off the use of "Mana Crystals", a common type of crystal found and harvested in deep caves in "The Eastern Glaive"

- it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a death sentence in the northern rose due to recent restrictions given by the young princess, this frustrates the king heavily. However; instead Death Row inmates are sent to perform mundane and boring jobs with special magically runed bracelets around their wrists and ankles which prevent them from ever performing aggressive behavior, they even get their own home and are PAID for their work. however, they are also under constant surveillance as a result of their previous actions.

- The Weather in the North Constantly changes at a moments notice. it can be ungodly cold one night, hot as hell the next night, but then Rain like crazy the next.  This forces civilians to constantly adapt to weather conditions with various types of clothing, the longest a single type of weather can occur for is a week straight, before going batshit crazy.




 The Western Grandis 

Crown city: Lastonbell

Vaati Sweedya Says...

"The crown jewel of the Western Grandis is the capital of Lastonbell, known by it's citizen as the "Marriage of Sorcery and Science." This, somewhat cheekily stands true, even by just looking at its skyline. Marvelous spires rivaling the mightiest churches makes way for factories and steelwork plants in the production districts of the city. However, it is not only a city of production -- that is only the natural outcome of the scientific pursuits within the University of Lastonbell, the forefront place of learning in all of Luminos.

The discovery of certain usages of crystallized mana, using secretive methods of extracting the energy without the use of a conscious mind, with specific metals and methods. This results in what could be practically called “magitek,” but in actuality, works most often similar to other methods of burning fuel, but much, much more efficient. It might also be noted, however, more in depth methods can allow for magical effects, such as firearms shooting lightning or producing an icing effect.

As such, Lastonbell and by extension the Western Grandis is the pinnacle of science and technology in Luminos. The people live happy and the nation is rich. Lead by a council of elder people, intellectuals and owners of high companies, they get together to discuss and vote on very important issues related to the nation.

Due to the high amount of minerals and ore in the mountains of the Northern Rose and the need for said ore in the Western Grandis, a powerful alliance and trade agreement was established. The Northern Rose provides Lastonbell with reduced taxes on ore and in turn get a good deal on the technologies, weaponry and machinery provided by the Western Grandis.

This, and the need for technology i greater Luminos, made way for great riches for the nation. Since everyone needs technology -- everyone needs science, the Western Grandis stands as a beacon of the future on Luminos."

 The Eastern Glaive 

Crown city: "Velka"



"The Eastern Glaive had been a kingdom of magic even before its very founding. The first settlers having been travellers, more accurately, explorers, from other kingdoms, though which one, if not them all, is not known. originally an expansive field of light forest and meadow according to the oldest books about the region found in the libraries of The Northern Rose. It appears a strange catastrophic event devastated the land within the region, causing it to become nothing more than a great desert. Once man had reached these now vast deserted lands, The explorers have noticed ruins. Rather intriguing ruins at that. Depicting strange symbols....those symbols while damaged, had a very faint barely noticeable flow of mana running through them. The first written magic. They were the first discovered runes.

The explorers decided to make an outpost there, killing dangerous beasts with magic and building an encampment in which they would attempt to dig into the sand, in an attempt to harvest ore or raw gems possibly lurking beneath the sand. During this, they had realised; Their mana, refilled faster, magic was easier to focus, mana crystals took longer to run out, and when used to power  mining machinery, the power was much more efficiently used and distributed without the machines influence, as if the crystals themselves had become much stronger, or more focused than in the other kingdoms. Intrigued by this. They created a settlement. Determining the runes they previously found to be a language of symbols that can direct mana flow if made right, they began to study it. The other explorers left them to their devices, several others from the other kingdoms, having joined the original group, the settlement growing larger, a town began to form. Others settled to make the town more self-sufficient.  Over time, runes were reverse engineered, able to do things conventional mana couldn't, the magic users learned how to draw more on the energy of their surroundings, making them significantly stronger in their new home, attuning to it, but also, more sensitive to the changes of mana.  

Some time into the restoration of runes, the settlers began to dig considerably deeper into the earth, some hoping that they would find a large amount of mana crystals buried in the ground, crystallizing over time. They could not have expected what had formed under the recently named town of 'Velka'.
A great mana crystal, which formed over millennia, was larger than the town itself, spanning roughly the size of one of the capitals, it was huge, and thick. The power contained within it, fastly-resupplying, richer than other crystals, the mana within in it calm and gentle, yet holding the power to become a truly nuclear and destructive force.  it truly was the essence of nature, crystallized. Its power as strong and mysterious, as it was big, it became the jewel of the town as it grew and developed, enhanced magic and revived runes, causing the town to prosper and grow, replacing machines with the natural application of runes, as all could use the most basic. Though it swiftly expanded into massive arrays that could do what seemed impossible. A master could make a stick shatter an iron blade in three strikes with minor damage to itself.


Of course, such powerful runeship was dangerous, and the creation of it itself could be dangerous if mana was altered and channeled incorrectly, it could become catastrophic. Hence the school of Runeship and Magic had been formed. Teaching people to go beyond the basic arrays to do what seems impossible, alongside teaching them the new way of magic, working hand in hand with the world. How did they learn how to do this? It had all started upon touching the crystal.

Linking one's mana to the crystal, would fill them with its rich energy. However, only those strong enough to contain its power may make use of it, as for those that cannot handle it, they feel a near burning sensation, their mind becomes corrupted, and some are even driven insane, it was deduced that only natural mana users may touch the crystal, for those who have no birth connection to the ethereal plain of which all mana comes from, their body is not fit to harness such supernatural energy and thus, are driven mad or become a husk of their former selves. Those who the crystal accepted, though very few in number.. they could freely channel the mana, but they did not use it for malicious intent, no matter their intention prior to touching the crystal. It showed them something. The one thing that had been in common with all these events was along the lines of "It showed me what I needed to see..." sometimes it even showed people flashbacks of the past, everyone who touches it and survives witnesses something equally different or confusing.  Often times, only the royal line could handle the full force, others could, but only close friends or family at the same time, would it work. Like noted, some described their past, others failed to explain what it was like to be one with nature, having to had to been pulled away from the crystal before they had gotten overwhelmed by its raw energy alone.


Traditions such as kingship followed this. The crystal would form a stronger connection to one with a high affinity, and what appeared to be a kindness yet the ability to make decision decisively in times of need, and would show them things, seemingly what they needed to do. Visions in their sleep, as if the crystal had become sentient and chosen them as it’s champion. One such thing was work towards losing the need for technology, another, went on a pilgrimage, only accepting kingship once it was done. The eyes of royalty having a defining trait, only those of the royal line, or those with a connection to the crystal, would have eyes of a rich, bright azure.


Descendants of the great and most powerful mage Auzriel, one of the five great heroes. Who too possessed such unique colored eyes."

Unknown Track - Unknown Artist

Vampy Says...

Blue Auzzy says..

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