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Learn about the event which shaped the world!

The Great Devastation.

"Men, not a speck of light is showing so the danger we face is growing… As the fires of hell start a glowing; is that the grisly reaper mowing? NO, this battle is not complete, I do not accept defeat… Forward men into the dark of dawn we will defeat the Evil one! To defend the homeland and frontiers, from this day forth for a thousand years! … In a hurricane of blood and fire a blowing Yes! Tell the soldiers to keep on going Belay that order! I will do it, as no one here has time to quit… And should this end in defeat and death, and each takes their final breath. Terror will be the least He can do, his genocide will kill the families' we knew…"


Spoken by The 120th King of The Center Kingdom of Voltaria in the world of  “Luminos”, during the worst war to have ever taken place in existence. The king and his millions of followers fought bravely against a Rising number of Daemons, Released from the depths of hell below the world’s very ground. The portal was opened by a group of necromancers seeking power from the demon lord below, foolishly opening a gate between realms and releasing death and disease across the entire planet. When the walls of Old Voltaria fell after months of constant back to back war between realms, the gods intervened;  Granting 5 individuals power which almost equaled their own. As gods among men, the 5 heroes vanquished the Demon lord and returned him to the depths of which he came, temporarily sealing the Gate between worlds  and preventing him from ever returning again. However, the seal was broken and it was up to the gods to decide that a large dome-like divine barrier be placed around the entirety of the center kingdom keeping them from ever escaping into the world around them, which once reached across the entirety of Luminos. During the great battle the center kingdom was left in ruin... with the land ravaged and destroyed, Plagued by demons and horrible creatures the five heroes parted ways in search of new land to conquer and call their own.



Lord Fulfnir Briarhardt “The Axe Known for his Golden axe which could split rock from the lightning it brought forth from the heavens as well as his Golden armor which absorbed any blow from his enemies.  He were also the one responsible for dealing the final blow to the demon lord.[ALIVE]



Lady Amelia Valentine “The RoseKnown for her Pyromancy and use of Divine magic, lighting hundreds aflame with a single whisper as well as bring fallen allies back from the dead, It was said when she spoke and began to sing her song a bed of burning roses would soon follow. [DECEASED]



Sir Gabriel Raven “The Sword Known for his Speed and precision with a blade, a single swing killing hundreds in an instant and creating the art known as giving elemental enchantment to one’s blade. [ALIVE]


Archmage Auzriel Demiair “The Elemental Known for the ability to wield all five major elements in perfect mastery, an art never to be replicated again. His ability to summon storms of Lightning, Make Fireballs rain from the heavens above and even create powerful tornadoes which ripped apart the land was almost the main focus of their offence.[???]



And Dwarven Engineer Hakvier Black.The Creator Known for his machinery and creations such as the Dwarven golem, a towering metallic war machine capable of toppling entire modern day kingdoms completely on it’s own. [???]








They created 4 separate kingdoms known as:


The Northern Rose, where Queen Amelia Valentine and King Fulfnir Briarhardt ruled over the snow covered mountains of the north within their single Crown city of Kaness. The cold weather outside the kingdom walls is strong enough it can kill a man in mere minutes, causing intense frostbite and deadly cases of untreatable pneumonia making it Impossible to traverse the roads leading outside of The Northern Rose during the night.



The Southern Cross, Where King Gabriel Raven ruled it’s Storm covered lands, however only for a short time due to the moral corruption of his people and the stress of being king. Leaving to find his own path.



The Eastern Glaive, Where King Auzriel Demiair  ruled it’s Great vast deserts and throne resides within the crown city of Velka where a huge cave was discovered beneath the sand he walked upon, the cave contained hundreds of mana crystals of various elements, which resulted in Auzriel constantly Harvesting it’s crystals for energy and creating a kingdom focused solely around Magic and Sorcery. However, when he discovered a mana crystal right below his own crown city which was gargantuan in size, it resulted in a magical experiment which went wrong and he fell to his own spell shortly after and hasn’t been seen since.



The Western Grandis,  Where Dwarven King Hakkvier Black ruled with machinery created from bronze, powerful technology which easily surpasses the other kingdoms, always being one step ahead of them. The western skies above their crown city Lastonbell is filled with war blimps at all times as well as a dense thick smog. As well as the ground soldiers armed with firearms design to fire bullets that have been specially made to house magical energy. Due to their lack of magic users. They have SpellSlingers, Spell Cast users that rely on their guns. So while quick to fire and usually very powerful they are limited in what they can do.

How many Year's has it been since then?

It has been one hundred year's since the fall of Old Voltaria, The Heroes were granted temporal unaging for the time to allow their kingdoms to prosper under their proper guidance as reward from the gods, or so it's believed.  but as the world approaches a new age of technology and a specific princess grows into a queen, that unaging has been removed now that all is done.

When a Roleplay is started, all Heroes found are in fact aging like normally.


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