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Midoka KuriSaki

Age:  Unknown, appears to be within her Mid-Twenties.


Full name:  Midoka 'Eleonora' KuriSaki.


Sexual Orientation: Unknown, claims to not be looking for a partner.


Though very strong herself, Midoka Wears no armor during battle, relying on her speed and agility to dodge and counter attack her opponent with quick strikes and powerful blows, focused purely on getting in and out fast. Thus, making her a deadly Glass-cannon Type of Force on the battlefield, dishing out extremely high damage at the cost of defense.  Midoka Judges her opponents before battle if their to weak to even bother with, she can be found often fighting with her eyes closed to add challenge to the fights. however, sometimes this can result in her taking hits due to overconfidence.


Midoka's Musical Themes.




Casual Theme:



Battle theme 1 [Small intensity-"Friendly" Chat]



Battle theme 2: [Medium intensity-Deadly Battle]



Battle theme 3 [High intensity-Lost Her mind..]


"Shadow of The Princess"

Emotional Theme:

The Legend

Nobody knows much about who or where Midoka Truly came from, she has always been a mysterious woman, appearing almost completely out of thin air, seeming to have always just..been around. in modern day, Midoka serves as the Personal adviser and Personal Protector to the Princess Rosaria, even with her origins unknown. However,

Legends tell of a noble family who'd fallen in the east from one of their own blood, they say long ago during the middle of the night, the eldest daughter murdered her own father, mother and little sister. In that order too, before burning down her own mansion and vanishing mysteriously in the middle of the night. her reasoning for doing such things is completely unknown, as to what happened to the girl as well is also a mystery.  Some believe it so that midoka is that girl, but as to how she could have traveled from the eastern glaive  to the north's mountainous region without anyone noticing her is completely unknown, so often enough. that theory is ruled out. Just who is midoka? where did she come from? Regardless, you'll always have her appear here and there with her strange and unique set of abilities. 

Known Abilities and Spells.

More to be added


[Teleportation/Signature Abilty]


Enveloping Midoka in a black smoke and allowing her to vanish and reappear at a different location of her choice, Shadow-Shift is Midoka’s Signature ability. The only indication to know she is about to use this ability is to follow her eyes, they flash red right before she teleports. Midoka can teleport at short, medium and long range, each teleport zapping a bit of her stamina with each flash of her eyes.


If she teleports too far, she could instantly pass out due to overexertion and the darkness taking it’s toll. At short range, Midoka can teleport multiple times without much stress on her body.  At medium range, the difference between CQC range and Ranged, Midoka can only teleport around twice before getting tired.  At Long range Midoka may only teleport that once, unable to do so again for a few moments, each sequential teleport taxing her body.



[Unique Specialized Version of Shadow-Shift]


A more specialized version of her Shadow Shift is her Shadow-Link. This allows her to travel almost any distance without tiring however it has a lot of requirements thus limiting its combat use. First, she must apply it via a long and careful process and it can only be applied to two people. It’s applied by performing a special ritual and the mark doesn’t leave until she undoes said ritual, additionally those who are 'marked' can be Watched using this ability, allowing midoka to follow them in Shadow Form without having to actually be there.


[illusionary Clone Technique.]

Midoka’s use of shadows extends further into manipulating her own shadow to dance around her. Triplicating her shadow so she’d have her own hunting pack. But, they are exactly that; shadows with glowing red orbs for eyes and she cloaks herself in the same way; giving her body the appearance of the others to cause panic. Being shadows unfortunately, they can’t interact other than move and teleport around and confuse the enemy. The main focus of the technique is to distract or draw the person’s attention away from the original, allowing Midoka to deliver the finishing blow or to escape during the confusion since they all look the same. However, if midoka is driven past her breaking point and gets seriously pissed off. she can manifest a single shadow from her own darkness with the ability to physically damage her foes and completely mimic her every movement. doubling all of her attacks and giving her opponent a battle with a deadly duo.

Wilting Rose

[Last Chance/Escape Technique]

Wilting Rose is her technique used to escape and leave any situation even she deemed as too dangerous. It’s range is much shorter than the max distance of her other techniques and she must first designate her location before using it. She must first mark an area with her blood, usually drawing Rose’s Family Crest. She can choose to return at any moment, however doing so renders the mark useless and can not teleport there again. Alternatively, should her life begin to falter and wane it would activate and pull her there forcibly. She can also designate someone else as the target by physically touching them and then activating the rune.

Berserker State

[Loss of sanity Transformation]

Everyone has a limit, even the royal protector. When things become dire and her mind could no longer contain her blood lust, when she cannot control her own body from ripping out the jugular of her nearing opponent, midoka will go into an all out animalistic sprint towards her opponents, biting, scratching, kicking, punching. Whatever gets the job done to draw their blood, She will often let out a intimidating screech as horns form from her hair, her eyes become red slits and she takes on a demon like appearance, with scarlet wings to lift her.

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